Accelerate Generative AI integration for your business
Innovate fast, automate processes, and outperform your competition with Generative AI and Neurons Lab.

Reap the benefits of Gen AI in a secure, accurate and reliable way.

Through building proprietary, customized Gen AI solutions, we support organizations to integrate Generative AI technologies in a secure, accurate and impactful way.

Neurons Lab is amongst one of five UK-based companies to receieve the AWS Generative AI competency.

Generative AI Development Services

How will Generative AI bring value to your business?

Revenue growth

Focus on what’s most important for your business, revealing more time to deliver your services at the best possible quality, enhancing customer experience, your business will be able to experience significant revenue growth.

Customer experience and retention

Integrate generative AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants which  can engage with customers, provide support, and gather valuable feedback, improving customer relationships and product refinement.


Enable the creation of highly personalized products, services and offerings. Tailor recommendations, user interfaces, and content to individual user preferences, enhancing the user experience and customer satisfaction, increasing customer loyalty and average spendings.

Business process automation and cost optimization

Automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks, such as data analysis, design optimization, documents processing, and answering customer inquiries. This frees up human resources to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of development.

Predictive Capabilities

Predict future trends, market demands, and potential issues, allowing your team to proactively address challenges and opportunities.

Our Capabilities in Generative AI

Conversational AI

Enhance customer service with conversational AI by providing efficient, personalized, and consistent interactions with use cases such as Self Service Agents, AI-enhanced call assistants, AI-powered call analytics. 

Implement chatbots to automate processes for improved efficiency and reduced costs.

Personalized Digital Experience

Build recommendation systems to share personalized and relevant suggestions, enhancing user experiences, and helping customers discover new products or content

Implement personalized marketing campaigns which target and segment customers to share relevant information and encourage action.

Intelligent document processing

Empower your business to cut costs, optimize operations, and gain valuable insights from document-driven processes, automated scoring and decision-making leading to improved efficiency, accuracy, and competitiveness.

Synthetic data creation

Improve machine learning models by generating synthetic data that closely mimics real-world scenarios, improves the quality of your data.

We serve a broad range of industries with our AI solutions

  • HealthCARE
  • Retail

Our Generative AI Tech Stack




  • Pinecone
  • Anthropic
  • Hugging Face
  • LangChain
  • Llamaindex
  • Cohere

mage, Video, Audio

  • DALL-E 2
  • StableDiffusion
  • Whisper
  • Unreal Engine
  • Hugging Face
  • OpenCV

Cloud Platform

  • Amazon SageMaker
  • Amazon Bedrock
  • Amazon Personalize
  • Amazon Forecast
  • Amazon Polly
  • Amazon Textract


  • Amazon Timestream
  • Amazon Neptune
  • Amazon CloudSearch
  • Amazon RDS
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Amazon Kinesis


  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS Faregate
  • Amazon ECS
  • AWS AppSync
  • AWS Step Function
  • Amazon API Gateway

Application Development

  • AWS Control Tower
  • AWS Security Hub
  • Amazon GuardDuty
  • AWS Config

Cloud Foundation

  • Amazon SageMaker Pipelines
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS CodePipeline


See how our partners have implemented GenAI


Treatline partnered with Neurons Lab to build their prior authorization platform using Intelligent Document Processing in order to reduce the burden of administration on healthcare providers and insurance companies...

IDP was applied to significantly reduce the time and effort required for prior authorization and claim processing, leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare and insurance delivery.

A Generative AI Criteria Matching System was designed to match medical summaries with both medical and insurance criteria. It ensures that prior authorization requests and insurance claims are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each payer, improving the likelihood of approval and reducing the need for time-consuming peer-to-peer reviews.the full story

the full story


Posthumously partnered with Neurons Lab to create a cutting-edge platform which allows users to store and engage with memories of deceased loved ones in a secure manner whilst working through the stages of grief with a digital AI Twin...

IDP was applied to significantly reduce the time and effort required for prior authorization and claim processing, leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare and insurance delivery.

A Generative AI Criteria Matching System was designed to match medical summaries with both medical and insurance criteria. It ensures that prior authorization requests and insurance claims are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each payer, improving the likelihood of approval and reducing the need for time-consuming peer-to-peer reviews.the full story

the full story

Humanity Inc.

Humanity Inc., an application which supports individuals to extend their health span, partnered with Neurons Lab to improve their biomedical datasets through gen AI based synthetic data creation.

The solution involved the generation of synthetic data sets with high similarity to the original data. Since there are various generative models which could be a potential fit, the team investigated, identified and implemented the best approach in order to produce a high-quality dataset in line with regulatory restrictions. This data set led to significant improvement in development of the app and business processes.

Why choose Neurons Lab for your GenAI project?

  • You’ll count on an expert and global team experienced in the intersection of AI, applied science, and business to guide you through the complexities of generative AI discovery, integration and operation management.
  • Delivering an MVP in just 4 Sprints, we combine our proven AI Engineering framework, pre-developed accelerators, and talents from the startup ecosystem with a "speed as a habit" mindset.
  • Recognized as an Advanced AWS partner, we’ve already supported numerous organizations to implement Generative AI solutions, competing +50 AI projects in the past 5 years.
  • Neurons Lab is 1 of 5 five UK-based companies to have been awarded with the AWS Generative AI Competency.

What makes our GenAI Services unique?

Intellectual property

LLMs can be deployed in the cloud and 100% owned by the company so that no corporate sensitive data and information is used for training of open source models like GPT

Optimization of costs of running of the solution

When the final model is selected, they can be optimized for size to be able to run on less expensive hardware

Unlock full spectrum of data

Usually the generative models such as GPT are trained on text, while they work ineffciently with various other data formats (diagrams, formulas, etc). To make your solution be able to support various data types and formats, custom work needs to be done

Improve reasoning

Reasoning with external solutions such as Wolfram can help not just to find answers in the database, but add additional reasoning, i.e. calculating costs, etc.